Distributed to | Token Amount | Percentage |
Rewards+Bribes (Community) | 60,000,000 | 60% |
Protocol Growth | 19,000,000 | 19% |
Core Team (3 months cliff/2-year vest) | 12,000,000 | 12% |
LGE Participants | 3,500,000 | 3.5% |
Community Airdrops | 3,000,000 | 3% |
Initial Liquidity | 2,500,000 | 2.5% |
Core team allocation release
This is the team vesting claim contract. The core team has committed to hold their Mendi tokens for the future.
We directly deposit all claimed tokens to the staking contract which has a 7 day delay for unlocks. You can track this on-chain through the explorer or other tools like DeBank.
Any large staking unlock would immediately be visible on-chain.
Our goal is to maintain and build the protocol and we are not going to sell any tokens at all while the protocol is in growth stage to ensure it will continue to grow.
We can utilize uMendi staking to realize income while we contribute to the growth of the protocol.
Last updated