Interest Rate Model
Borrow APR
The interest rate model for borrowed assets can be calculated using the following formula:
= Base + Multiplier * min(UtilizationRate, Kink) + max(JumpMultiplier * UtilizationRate - Kink, 0)
Supply APR
The interest rate model for supplying assets can be calculated using the following formula:
= Distribute (Interest Paid by Borrowers Per Block - Reserve) to all suppliers, and convert it into APY
= Distribute [(1 + Borrow APY) ^ (1 / BlocksPerYear) - 1] * Total Borrow * (1 - Reserve Factor) to all suppliers, and convert it into APY
= {[(1 + Borrow APY) ^ (1 / BlocksPerYear) - 1] * Total Borrow * (1 - Reserve Factor) / Total Supply}, and convert it into APY
= {1 + [(1 + Borrow APY) ^ (1/BlocksPerYear) - 1] * Total Borrow * (1 - Reserve Factor) / Total Supply} ^ BlocksPerYear - 1
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