Bridging your assets to Linea

We recommend that you rely on our partners at Axelar and Squid to bridge your assets over to Linea.

Squid came out of Axelar's grants program. Given cross-chain swaps is a strategic use case, Axelar works closely with the Squid team. Being a strategic partner and having received a grant from Axelar means that Squid inherits the same security as Axelar has and we can safely recommend the use to our community.

Additionally Linea offers access to their native bridge to end-users. This is also a secure option if you are bridging from Ethereum Mainnet. You can find it here:

We have also integrated two widgets in our user interface that you can use for secure transfer of your assets across different blockchains.

Squid Swap Widget

The Squid Swap Widget enables direct integration of the Squid Cross-Chain Swaps to the Mendi Finance interface. This enables direct onboarding of users coming from other chains, users can simply bridge and swap their assets from any of the Axelar supported chains to Linea.

Why is this amazing for us?

Linea is a new zkRollup which means liquidity is still coming in to the ecosystem. For a successful LGE we simplify this process by saving time and effort to our investors and users. This is also great not just for Mendi Finance but for the Linea ecosystem as well. As an official launch partner of Linea we see it as our duty to also integrate solutions that boosts the early growth of the ecosystem and bootstraps liquidity on-chain. Squid Stake Widget

The Squid Stake Widget takes it one-step further and actually deposits the assets to the contract that is selected by the user.

If you go to our cross-chain deposit page, you will be able to select the chain where you have your current assets and the asset that you want to invest, next you can select the lending pool on Mendi Finance where you want to deposit these assets. When you submit the transaction Squid and Axelar is going to take care of everything for you in the backend, find the best rates for swaps, bridge over your assets and even deposit it into the lending pool of your choice in the required asset.

With this if someone wants to deposit into Mendi Finance but they store their assets in another chain, they can simply do it in one click, saving them a ton of time, the need to research all different bridging and swapping protocols just to have assets on Linea to be able to supply to the Mendi Finance lending pools.

Last updated