Bridging your assets to Linea

For new users coming to the Linea ecosystem there are two main way to bridge your assets to the Linea ecosystem

Native Token Bridge From Mainnet

The native token bridge is the most secure although slightly slow way to bridge in and out of Linea from and to Ethereum Mainnet. For users coming from Ethereum Mainnet with no time pressure, this is the most secure way to transfer assets.

This is the same bridge that is used to communicate and send proofs to Ethereum mainnet, and as with all rollups it is one of the most important pieces of the security architecture. Therefore the Linea team ensured robust security behind it. Note that major blue-chip DAOs like Uniswap are always leveraging native token bridges for message passing between L1 and L2 if possible.

Third-party bridges

Users from other L2s and those looking for a quicker way to bridge funds will find Across Protocol an excellent option. It offers a secure, fast, and low-slippage method to bridge assets into the Linea ecosystem.

Across Protocol is built on top of the native L2 bridges deriving security directly from them, but with a relayer network that optimistically lends funds while they receive the bridged assets via the slow paths existing via the native bridges.

You can bridge via the first link and check out their docs in the second to understand their design and architecture.

Last updated